Post Abstract

If you've been toying with the idea of writing a book, the time is now. Tell your story, increase your brand awareness, influence others, and leave a legacy worth reading. Even if you've never thought of yourself as writer, you can publish the book you've imagined -- with the help of a ghostwriter.

Should You Be Writing a Book?

  • By D. Christensen
  • 2022-09-22

How long have you been thinking about writing a book?

Whether it's been something you've always wanted to do or the idea is new, you should be writing a book -- for many reasons. 

Some people are eager just to see their name in print. Others have great ideas they want to share. Whatever your reason for becoming an author, writing a book is easier than you think.

Until the moment you try to do it. 


Reasons writing ANYTHING is so challenging

Even though it's considered a soft skill that almost anyone can do, writing still causes fear and dread for some people for several reasons. So much thought and effort go into every paragraph!

  • The first is the Blank Page Curse, also known as writer's block. It doesn't matter if you have a blank piece of paper or a white page on a monitor. The vast emptiness creates a similar effect in your writing brain: everything empties out, and you can't think of anything to write. Even worse, the longer you stare at the page, the longer it will take to put something on it.
  • The second thing that makes writing so challenging is the temptation to over-edit --before it's time. Here's how it goes: You write one perfect sentence. Then you re-read it, deciding to add a phrase or move a comma. Or wait, what if it goes over here? And was that a typo? There's less work to do on the editing end if the writer has reasonable control of standard writing conventions. Good writers capture ideas and commit them to writing; they worry about the technical details later.
  • Relying on stream-of-consciousness ideas instead of writing an outline and sticking to it. Many would-be-authors write their thoughts as they think of them, much like a one-sided conversation that goes on indefinitely. While stream-of-conscious writing can be an excellent way to generate ideas, eventually, every thought will need an assigned place in the book. Chapter outlines help to corral ideas.
  • Forgetting which verb tense to use. It happens to everyone. You begin writing in the past tense, and before you know it, you're suddenly zipping along the present tense. Or you started your book in the present tense, and now you're narrating in the past tense.
  • Agonizing over chapter titles — and the book title. If you're waiting to write your book until you have the perfect title, you might be waiting a long time. Many writers use a secret trick to set a placeholder title and then write the chapter - or the text. Then they read the text to mine the best title from key phrases. 

If you find yourself facing any of these challenges -- or others, like deciding on the point of view, tone, and even which images to include, a ghostwriter can get your book on track and ready for publication.


You still have many reasons to get that book written.

3 Reasons to write a book this year

  •  If any of these scenarios describe you, it may be time to write the book you've been thinking about.
  • Industry Expert and Influencer. If you're at the top of your industry or a rising star, share your expertise. Authoring a non-fiction book is a way to give back to others beginning their journeys in the same industry, and it chronicles the steps you took on yours. Additionally, the market in this genre looks promising, with a projected $16.61 billion in sales by 2026.
  • Story to Tell. If you've got a story to tell now's the time to do it. Fiction books, novellas, and short stories capture the reader's imagination, transporting them to other worlds in ways that no other entertainment can. The fiction book market is also trending upward, expecting $11.81 billion in sales by 2026.
  • Spread or Preserve the Word. If your book idea falls into this category, you're not alone. Wanting to chronicle a family's story for future generations is one of the most common reasons for writing a book. The process can involve many family members as they share stories, retrieve mementos and participate in the writing process. You may also have an idea that you want to share with a broader audience, and your book will serve as a way to tell others.

The benefits of writing a book

Although writing and publishing a book can bring you passive income, many other benefits stem from writing a book. Some of these perks include:

- Understanding who you are. Writing forces you to commit to a definitive description, explanation, and narrative by putting your essence in words. In a sense, you invite the reader to spend enough time with you so they can see what you're made of and how you think.
- A sense of accomplishment. Completing a large undertaking is a reason for celebrating and something to be proud of. Writing a book is a long process, usually three to six months, sometimes longer.
- Immortality. These words will live long after you, a legacy left for others to enjoy. 
By writing a book, you become an authority. 


Fortunately, you can still benefit from having a published book, even if you didn't write it yourself. And no one has to know.

You can hire a ghostwriter. 

How to find a good ghostwriter 

Hiring a ghostwriter to write your book gives you all the author benefits, just as if you wrote every word yourself. 

Your name sits proudly on the book's cover. You own all rights, and the ghostwriter receives no public recognition. 

However, your ghostwriter will work side by side with you to produce the book of your dreams. Here's the process they use to help authors bring their books to life:

- Fill out a general questionnaire about the book, including publication options and promotion.
- Meet to discuss your book's topic, purpose, and intended audience in detail.
- Collaborate on building your book's outline.
- Write the first draft.
- Revise the text for clarity, including rewrites.
- Design the font and back covers; write the book blurb and author's bio.
-Edit the text for continuity and writing conventions.

Whether you requested a traditional book or an ebook, when you work with a ghostwriter, you'll have a final product you can be proud of.

Let's get you published!